const fetch = require("node-fetch")
const {
} = require('instant.db');
const db = new Database('./quickuptime.json');
const wumpfetch = require('wumpfetch');
const axios = require('axios');
const got = require('got');
const superagent = require('superagent');
const SetInterval = require('set-interval')
const ms = require('ms')
* @class Client
class Client {
constructor(data) {
this.urls = db.get("urls") = db.get("interval")
this.uniqueint = (id) => db.get(`interval_${id}`)
if (!Array.isArray(this.urls)) db.set('urls', []);
this.push = (content) => db.push("urls", content)
this.uniquepush = (content, id) => db.push(`urls_${id}`, content)
this.pull = (content) => db.pull("urls", content)
this.uniquepull = (content, id) => db.pull(`urls_${id}`, content)
this.get = () => {
return db.get("urls")
this.getunique = (id) => {
return db.get(`urls_${id}`)
this.set = (content) => db.set("interval", content)
this.uniqueset = (content, id) => db.set(`interval_${id}`, content)
if (data) {
this.httpclient = data.httpclient
if (this.httpclient !== "node-fetch" && this.httpclient !== "got" && this.httpclient !== "wumpfetch" && this.httpclient !== "axios" && this.httpclient !== "superagent") {
this.httpclient = "node-fetch"
if (!this.httpclient) {
this.httpclient = "node-fetch"
* @return {boolean} Return's true if sucess
* @param {boolean} log Whether to log the response in console or not.
* @param {string} uniqueid The unique id for the dataset
* @memberof Client
async start(log) {
if(!log) log = false
if (typeof(log) != 'boolean') throw new Error(`Expected the log option to be boolean, recieved ${typeof(boolean)}`);
let urls = this.get() || null
if (urls === null) throw new Error(`No url's were found, add one before continuing.`);
let starthttpclient = this.httpclient
let int = || 60000
let response;
urls.forEach((url) => {
SetInterval.start(async () => {
if (starthttpclient === "node-fetch") {
response = await fetch(url);
if (starthttpclient === "wumpfetch") {
response = await wumpfetch(url, {
chaining: false
if (starthttpclient === "got") {
response = await got(url);
if (starthttpclient === "axios") {
response = await axios.get(url)
if (starthttpclient === "superagent") {
response = await superagent.get(url)
if (log) {
}, int, "interval");
return true
* @return {boolean} Return's true if sucess
* @param {boolean} log Whether to log the response in console or not.
* @param {string} uniqueid The unique id for the dataset
* @memberof Client
async uniquestart(log, uniqueid) {
if(!log) log = false
if (typeof(log) != 'boolean') throw new Error(`Expected the log option to be boolean, recieved ${typeof(boolean)}`);
if (!uniqueid) throw new Error(`Expected to receive a uniqueid but recieved none`);
let urls = this.getunique(uniqueid) || null
if (urls === null) throw new Error(`No url's were found, add one before continuing.`);
let starthttpclient = this.httpclient
let int = this.uniqueint(uniqueid) || 60000
let response;
urls.forEach((url) => {
SetInterval.start(async () => {
if (starthttpclient === "node-fetch") {
response = await fetch(url);
if (starthttpclient === "wumpfetch") {
response = await wumpfetch(url, {
chaining: false
if (starthttpclient === "got") {
response = await got(url);
if (starthttpclient === "axios") {
response = await axios.get(url)
if (starthttpclient === "superagent") {
response = await superagent.get(url)
if (log) {
}, int, uniqueid);
return true
* @return {boolean} Return's true if sucess
* @param {boolean} log Whether to log the response in console or not.
* @memberof Client
async uniquestartall(log) {
if(!log) log = false
if (typeof(log) != 'boolean') throw new Error(`Expected the log option to be boolean, recieved ${typeof(boolean)}`);
let urls = db.all().filter(data => data.ID.startsWith(`urls_`)) || null
if (urls === null) throw new Error(`No url's were found, add one before continuing.`);
let starthttpclient = this.httpclient
for (let i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
let uniqueid = urls[i].ID.slice(5)
let int = this.uniqueint(uniqueid) || 60000
let response;
let url = urls[i].data
url.forEach((url) => {
SetInterval.start(async () => {
if (starthttpclient === "node-fetch") {
response = await fetch(url);
if (starthttpclient === "wumpfetch") {
response = await wumpfetch(url, {
chaining: false
if (starthttpclient === "got") {
response = await got(url);
if (starthttpclient === "axios") {
response = await axios.get(url)
if (starthttpclient === "superagent") {
response = await superagent.get(url)
if (log) {
}, int, uniqueid);
return true
* @param {string} url The url to add
* @return {boolean} Return's true if sucess
* @memberof Client
addurl(url) {
if (typeof(url) != 'string') throw new Error(`Expected url to be string, recieved ${typeof(url)}`);
if (!url) throw new Error(`Missing URL, please specify a url to add.`);
return true;
* @param {string} url The url to add
* @param {string} uniqueid The unique id for the dataset
* @return {boolean} Return's true if sucess
* @memberof Client
uniqueaddurl(url, uniqueid) {
if (typeof(url) != 'string') throw new Error(`Expected url to be string, recieved ${typeof(url)}`);
if (!url) throw new Error(`Missing URL, please specify a url to add.`);
if (!uniqueid) throw new Error(`Expected to receive a uniqueid but recieved none`);
let check = db.get(`urls_${uniqueid}`)
if (!Array.isArray(check)) db.set(`urls_${uniqueid}`, []);
this.uniquepush(url, uniqueid)
return true;
* @param {string} url The url to remove
* @return {boolean} Return's true if sucess
* @memberof Client
removeurl(url) {
if (typeof(url) != 'string') throw new Error(`Expected url to be string, recieved ${typeof(url)}`);
if (!url) throw new Error(`Missing URL, please specify a url to remove.`);
return true;
* @param {string} url The url to remove
* @param {string} uniqueid The unique id for the dataset
* @return {boolean} Return's true if sucess
* @memberof Client
uniqueremoveurl(url, uniqueid) {
if (typeof(url) != 'string') throw new Error(`Expected url to be string, recieved ${typeof(url)}`);
if (!url) throw new Error(`Missing URL, please specify a url to remove.`);
if (!uniqueid) throw new Error(`Expected to receive a uniqueid but recieved none`);
this.uniquepull(url, uniqueid)
return true;
* @param {string} url The url to ping
* @param {number} interval The time in ms to ping the url after
* @return {boolean} Return's true if sucess
* @memberof Client
async uptime(url, interval, log) {
if(!log) log = false
if (typeof(url) != 'string') throw new Error(`Expected url to be string, recieved ${typeof(url)}`);
let numcheck = parseInt(interval)
if (isNaN(numcheck)) throw new Error(`An invalid number for interval was received!`);
if (typeof(log) != 'boolean') throw new Error(`Expected the log option to be boolean, recieved ${typeof(boolean)}`);
interval = interval.toString();
interval = ms(`${interval}`)
let int = interval || 60000
let uptimehttpclient = this.httpclient
let response;
let intervalstart = SetInterval.start(async () => {
if (uptimehttpclient === "node-fetch") {
response = await fetch(url);
if (uptimehttpclient === "wumpfetch") {
response = await wumpfetch(url, {
chaining: false
if (uptimehttpclient === "got") {
response = await got(url);
if (uptimehttpclient === "axios") {
response = await axios.get(url)
if (uptimehttpclient === "superagent") {
response = await superagent.get(url)
if (log) {
}, int, "uptimeinterval");
this.intervalsingle = intervalstart
return true;
* @return {boolean} Return's true if sucess
* @memberof Client
clear() {
return true;
* @return {boolean} Return's true if sucess
* @param {string} uniqueid The unique id for the dataset
* @memberof Client
uniqueclear(uniqueid) {
if (!uniqueid) throw new Error(`Expected to receive a uniqueid but recieved none`);
return true;
* @param {number} interval The time to ping the url after
* @return {boolean} Return's true if sucess
* @memberof Client
setinterval(interval) {
let numcheck = parseInt(interval)
if (isNaN(numcheck)) throw new Error(`An invalid number for interval was received!`);
interval = interval.toString();
interval = ms(`${interval}`)
return true;
* @param {number} interval The time to ping the url after
* @param {string} uniqueid The unique id for the dataset
* @return {boolean} Return's true if sucess
* @memberof Client
uniquesetinterval(interval, uniqueid) {
let numcheck = parseInt(interval)
if (isNaN(numcheck)) throw new Error(`An invalid number for interval was received!`);
if (!uniqueid) throw new Error(`Expected to receive a uniqueid but recieved none`);
interval = interval.toString();
interval = ms(`${interval}`)
this.uniqueset(interval, uniqueid)
return true;
* @return {boolean} Return's true if sucess
* @memberof Client
stop() {
return true
* @return {boolean} Return's true if sucess
* @param {string} uniqueid The unique id for the dataset
* @memberof Client
uniquestop(uniqueid) {
if (!uniqueid) throw new Error(`Expected to receive a uniqueid but recieved none`);
return true
* @return {boolean} Return's true if sucess
* @memberof Client
stopuptime() {
return true
* @return {Array} Return's the url's
* @memberof Client
allurls() {
let urls = this.get() || null
if (!urls === null) throw new Error(`No URL's found, you have not added any url(s) yet.`);
return urls
* @return {Array} Return's the url's
* @param {string} uniqueid The unique id for the dataset
* @memberof Client
uniqueallurls(uniqueid) {
if (!uniqueid) throw new Error(`Expected to receive a uniqueid but recieved none`);
let urls = this.getunique(uniqueid) || null
if (!urls === null) throw new Error(`No URL's found, you have not added any url(s) yet.`);
return urls
* @return {Array} Return's the url's
* @memberof Client
alluniqueurls() {
let urls = db.all().filter(data => data.ID.startsWith(`urls_`)) || null
if (!urls === null) throw new Error(`No URL's found, you have not added any url(s) yet.`);
let arrayurls = []
urls.forEach(function (arrayItem) {
var unqurl = arrayItem;
return arrayurls
module.exports = {
version: require('./package.json').version,
Client: Client